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Montasio Cheese D.O.P Quartered: An Italian Cheese Tradition in Every Slice

Made from Cow’s Milk

Savor the heritage of Italian cheese with Montasio Cheese D.O.P Quartered, a culinary masterpiece that embodies the essence of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region. Crafted exclusively from the purest cow’s milk, this cheese carries the prestigious D.O.P (Denominazione di Origine Protetta) designation, signifying its origin and adherence to rigorous production standards.

Key Features:

  • Cow’s Milk Excellence: Montasio Cheese D.O.P is lovingly crafted from cow’s milk, resulting in a cheese with a smooth and creamy texture, and a flavor profile that ranges from mild and delicate to more robust and nutty as it ages.
  • D.O.P Designation: This cheese proudly carries the D.O.P designation, reflecting its origin and the meticulous care taken in its creation.
  • Quartered Convenience: The cheese is expertly quartered, making it perfect for portioning and serving, whether you’re hosting a gathering or preparing delightful cheese platters.
  • Aged to Perfection: Montasio can be enjoyed at different stages of maturity, from the mild Fresco to the more intense and aged Stagionato, catering to diverse taste preferences.

Ways to Savor Italian Cheese Excellence:

  • Cheese Platter Perfection: Arrange Montasio Cheese D.O.P Quartered on your cheese platter alongside cured meats, fruits, and artisanal bread for an impressive appetizer.
  • Savory Sandwiches: Elevate your sandwiches, panini, and wraps by incorporating slices of Montasio, enhancing their taste with the creamy and nutty notes of this cheese.
  • Melts to Perfection: Montasio melts beautifully, making it an ideal choice for gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches, baked pasta dishes, or savory pies.
  • Pairing with Wine: Discover the perfect wine pairing with Montasio, whether you prefer a crisp white wine or a bold red to complement its diverse flavor profiles.